Oct 16, 2019
Dr. Stacey Van Scoyoc is a general dentist practicing in Bloomington, Illinois. She attended the University of Illinois and the University of Illinois College of Dentistry at Chicago. Dr. Van Scoyoc is active in organized dentistry by serving as a past President of the McLean County Dental Society, a Past Trustee of the...
Oct 2, 2019
Sep 25, 2019
A returning guest, Dr. Levin is internationally recognized as a writer, advisor, management consultant and dental business visionary. With 30+ years experience in dental consulting, he is a highly sought afer international speaker, the author of 68 books and 4,300 articles. His revolutionary ideas and...
Sep 11, 2019
Sep 4, 2019
Lisa Knowles is a visionary thinker and an energy analyzer. She looks at the whole picture as well as the whole patient. She speaks and writes broadly about dentistry-beyond the teeth. Her experience as a general practice resident, associate, practice owner, adjunct professor, and communication graduate lends valuable...